Friday, January 06, 2006

hello from new zealand

hello all from new zealand,

so I after 13 hours and changing two time zones, I finally reached new zealand. I am doing a two week trek of the south island before i go up to wellington, and try and set myself up with a job.

first, the south island is really cold, i have stopped wearing shorts and put on pants. i was called the crazy canadian for a couple of days because I refused to put pants on instead of shorts. it wasn't to bad in christchurch, but it snowed the day before I got into queenstown, it was gone before I got here. queenstown is a popular summer vacationg place for people, but I don't understand why the lake doesn't get above 10 degrees, plus it snows in the summer time.

went up to milford sound, which has a water fall 3 times the size of niagara falls. I didn't go any lord of rings tour, because I had a fear that I would be on a bus with a bunch of lord of rings fans agruing what rock Gollum sat on. I didn't imangine that would be fun.

but once i am in wellington, I will post a bunch of pics. its hard right now because I have been travelling around to much to stop and look at the photos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best Kevin is a pant wearing Kevin.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think cfm just said it perfectly. I also would like to add that the best pant-wearing Kevin is a belt-holding-up-the-pants wearing Kevin. Which unfortunately is not seen as often as the low-riding-pants-Kevin we usually see. yowza.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep wearing shorts and tell them you're a Canadian Hobbit.

11:56 AM  

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