Saturday, September 09, 2006

Friends from Manji

Carolina, my brazlian friend. My goal is to go and visit her at 2008 Carnival

You have seen Amy before, but the other girl that is Danni, if anyone has heard from her, lets us know

Elle, what is up with your face

For some reason I have bunch of photos of Elle, dancing. I think she should become a back up dancer.

Elle and Amy are doing the backstreets back dance

Natasha she was the president of the "No Kevin Club" she was the one that had the meeting saying that she didn't want me to move in her room.

Here is a better look at Marks eyebrow

Dmo and Mel,

Here is pic of Paul and Elle, or Mom and dad, Elle what is up with your face

I don't think I have introduced Martin yet,

Andrew and I used to like going on quad bike rides, and here are some photos from one of the nights.


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