Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The adventures of Rudy
So, everyone please meet my new friend that I am travelling around with his name is Rudy, and he is from bright, which was the town at the bottom of the mountain. He came with me for my birthday weekend in Melbourne.
Here is rudy, he basically stopped in the middle of the street because he was really hungry and we weren't going to take him to get food.
After we got some food we were walking down the street and we ran into a protest. Rudy wanted to go check it out, so we did. He ended working himself up to the very front
As we left that protest, some people were protesting against the Chinese government and their stance on Falen Gong, which I didn't realise but Rudy was also against that. There are some photos of Rudy from this protest.
At one poing durning this protest, some police officers pulled us aside because Rudy was being really disruptive, and causing a scene. But, after talking to us, and once Rudy calmed down a bit, he was able to explain to them that he wasn't a threat.
Got to say "sailors love Rudy"
You let Rudy go for a second and he is trying to get a date with some women for the night. But, I think you can tell, she isn't interested.
Rudy getting some money to go shopping.
Rudy buying some pre drinks for before we go out
Finally we are on are way back to the hostel, He is posing with my friend El (we met fruit picking), and Jenna is in the background she is one of the receptionist from the mountain.
All and all we had a good weekend in melbourne, and the next stop for Rudy is Sydney