Friday, February 17, 2006

hockey and curling and feeling the homesickness

So, there were times before that I felt homesick but I have to say that I am feeling it now. I really want to be watching hockey, or curling. But, there is a big Rugby tourament going on right now, so that has basically taken over the airwaves.

Right now, I am talking to my friend Chris trying to find out the results of the womens hockey game. Little did I know it just started, so there isn't much to know All, I know right now is that Finland is on the power play in the first period.

I log onto CBC every other day checking to see the result of the hockey. Now you think with the fact that New Zealand as a curling team they would be showing some of the games, but no.

Its fine that I haven't been able to watch the games up to now, but if Canada makes it to the gold medal and I won't be able to watch. I will be severly depressed


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